Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If you don't find your question below, please contact NAEFO.
What is NAEFO?
The National Association of Emergency and Fire Officials (NAEFO) is a non-profit organization made up of dedicated emergency services officials and their State Associations as well as emergency services agencies such as 9-1-1 boards, ambulance districts, emergency services districts, fire protection associations (non-profits), fire protection districts, and other individuals or organizations affiliated with emergency services.
What is NAEFO's mission or purpose?
The mission or purpose of the National Association of Emergency and Fire Officials (NAEFO) is to represent and inform emergency services officials of national issues and provide assistance to State Associations of emergency services organizations..
What is NAEFO's vision for the future?
The National Association of Emergency and Fire Officials (NAEFO) is a forward thinking national organization that speaks with a unified voice for all emergency services officials for the purpose of influencing policies, regulations and legislation relating to emergency services.
Why become a member of NAEFO?
The National Association of Emergency and Fire Officials (NAEFO) and the nation's emergency services needs officials to take an independent leadership role in developing the future of the emergency services. Your participation in NAEFO is vital to ensure that emergency services officials have a voice on a regional and national issues. Click here for NAEFO annual dues.
Can donations be made to NAEFO?
The National Association of Emergency and Fire Officials (NAEFO) does accept donations to support officials of emergency services organizations! Click here to make a donation.